Wednesday 1 May 2019

5 reasons why it didn't work out?

My relationship with exercise is just a passing affair. Every New year I resolve to be fit, and a week later you spot me at my favorite restaurant chugging soda pops and fries. But why would one commit to working out? The amount of pain and efforts it takes, is it all worth it after all? If the answer is NO, then here’s to the top 5 reasons why one shouldn’t (wouldn’t) exercise.

  1. Why can’t there be 48 hours in a day?!?!
We all have heard that one friend complaining that there isn’t enough time in a day to accomplish everything. So how can one expect to take out an hour towards the gym? One would either have to compromise on sleep or binge-watching their favorite TV show. And isn’t it of utmost importance to discuss why did Stephanie come to the party with Josh and not John? Our schedule of sleeping, going to work (boring!), being updated on social media, gossip and TV simply can’t be amended!

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  1. My bank account and I have a minor disagreement
I am a fully grown independent individual trying to make sound financial choices. But sometimes my body just craves for that sushi or popcorn at the theater. I need to dress up for the life I wish to have since envisioning and putting it out in the universe is everything! And while I work so hard and for such long hours, I deserve a spa day or 15. Hence, committing to a gym subscription cannot be included in my budget.

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  1. I need to caress my ego on the daily
Not everyone can lift those 50 pounders and look buff in the gym shower. Such places are not healthy for my tiny ego. I need to feel important and be in the limelight of every situation I am put in. If I ain’t the best at it, honey I ain’t even trying to begin with it. I get awkward and feel deflated around over-achievers. So a group activity including exercise is not my cup of tea.

  1. It’s too overwhelming!
There are so many variations when it comes to working out - crossfit, cardio, zumba, powerlifting, weight training, kickboxing, dance… Whew the list is endless! And if one does manage to pick a type of training, there’s another list of levels and muscle groups waiting for you. It’s like going to a 5 star hotel and asking for water. The waiter bombards you with regular or mineral, flat or sparkling, aquafina or perrier,... Aggh I just want a normal glass of water!!
Even this blogger agrees with me - check out what else do we have in common

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  1. I’m not motivated enough
I saved the best one for the last. Why does one crave food or success and is ready to put in the hard work of walking towards the fridge and heating up the food or waking up everyday to go to the same small cubicle? Well it is because I am motivated to eat because I’m hungry or I would like some recognition. Well what purpose shall exercise serve in my otherwise very meaningful and blissful life? I don’t think it does, and so I am sorry for not being sorry. And we ain’t gonna work out Honey!

Image result for no motivation monday

Well if the next time someone asks you why don’t you workout, try a line from my blog or better share this one with them. Let me know in the comments if you also have come up with some interesting excuses.

I have also written a piece on how easy it is to workout, so if you’d like give that a read as well.

Thursday 18 April 2019

9 Easy Tips to Incorporate Fitness within the Corporate Lifestyle in 2019

Summer has arrived but your summer bod still hasn’t? Your fitness game was pretty strong during holidays but now work pressure got in the way? If the answer to these questions was in the affirmative, then lo’ and behold, this is the one stop solution for young professionals to get the fitness in their corporate lifestyle.

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     1.)  Water Cooler Meetings
       A simple yet effective way to be fit and productive during office hours. Have a meeting near the water cooler with your colleagues, have a water buddy who reminds you to stay hydrated. As we all know 70% of the human body consists of water, so being hydrated will ensure high energy levels and increased productivity.

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2.)  Awareness!
Despite a lot of information being available on the internet yet people shy away from accessing it. What a company can do is to create flyers or email campaigns to make their employees aware of the benefits and tips towards living a healthy lifestyle. Constant reminders and visual aid shall also affect the fitness levels of a young professional.

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3.)  Kick the Butt
        Smoking, alcohol consumption, access to junk food hampers fitness levels of an individual. Why not help the employees cut it out during the hours they spend in office? Cutting ease of access as well as availing healthier options within office premises shall increase the chances of them quitting the habit all together.

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4.)  Zumba and team-building

       Incorporating health classes/activities for the employees can aid to the factor of them leading a healthier, more productive lifestyle. A common excuse for young professionals ignoring their health is lack of time and investment pre-/post-work. But what if companies bring the water well to the horse? Some horses might be inspired to drink it.

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      5.)  Listen to the end-user

Always keep your door open for the employees to ask questions and give suggestions. Any company with open communication doors shall grow at a faster rate due to its innovation conducive environment.

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      6.)  Celebrate Success
  Appraisals and pay raise should not only be project or work specific. Being appreciative of your employees’ personal victories aiding your company performance should be lauded and awarded. Keep small rewards and recognitions for the personal feat of employees which succeed in living the fitness lifestyle.

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       7.)  Be my Buddy

One can’t always be motivated to make changes and survive till those changes become a part of their lifestyle. Having a buddy or someone who strives with you through your struggles would make the climb towards Mt. Fitness more achievable.

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        8.)  Monitor success rate

   Just like you evaluate the returns on your project, being healthy also requires an investment. To ensure its growth and profitability, one must keep a tab on its rate of success. Try maintaining a ledger of your success, setbacks, and comebacks.

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          9.)  Target acquired
       Last but not the least, create a set of tangible and convenient goals. One must know where to start and which path to take. It could vary from weight-loss/gain, quitting unhealthy habits to beating stress or running a marathon. Create a flowchart and stick to the path for optimal execution.

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If these tips are helpful and you would like to know more helpful variants, you can also visit this blog.

For my visual aid readers, here’s a success story that might inspire you!

Thank you for taking the first step towards change. You may share your experiences and journeys in the comments, inspire people and create a community of fit young professionals!